Welcome everybody to my Homepage

The following pages are dedicated to my hometown Shkoder, a city situated in the north of Albania. You can find here pictures and information about this town, its culture and its traditions. Mostly of the pictures are taken by old postcards, others by the very rich Marubi Photo Archives. Pjetėr Marubi (1834 - 1903) was the first albanian photographer, his first picture is dated 1858.

In these pages you can find also informations about Chatin Sarachi (1902 - 1974), a painter from Shkoder, former Albania's consul in the United Kingdom.

Check out the new section of my website: The Gjomarkaj - An albanian Story, with documents about the story of the albanian family of Gjon Marka Gjoni (in italian)

Shkoder - The Watch Tower

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Go to the Albanian painter Chatin Sarachi's Page

Chatin Sarachi's Page

Want to know how my homecity used to look? Visit the Shkoder 900' pages

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